Monday, April 12, 2010

Proper Way to Sneeze

Sneezing Season

As we all know it's that time of year when the pollen count goes up and those who have allergies are severely affected, and those who don't have allergies, well possibly begin to develop them. I, for one believe am currently apart of the latter. I have never suffered from allergies nor have ever been informed by any doctor that I've had any. However, in the past recent days, I find myself achooo-ing more often than a once in a blue sneeze. Due to this, I have taken notice to how many people actually suffer from allergies and how they in turn deal with it. Most are prescribed allergy medication to supress the sneezing, watery or itchy eyes, and runny nose symptoms, others who refuse to concede that they have been subjected to such dismay, instead go around sneezing and spreading germs without even realizing it.
So I thought that I'd try to educate people and help us all out by posting the "proper way to sneeze" in efforts to reduce the spreading of germs and increase consideration for other people with whom you share and walk this earth with.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Tired of Tiger

Recently over the past months or so, all I have heard about when I turn on the news is the affairs and apologies of Tiger Woods and frankly, I'm sick of it. Tiger Woods is a professional golf player who, the way I see it, has been played up to be this GOD of golf by his fans. No doubt about it he is an excellent golf player, there is no question in that, but for people to be disappointed in him because he had numerous affairs and cheated countless times on his wife is so NOT SHOCKING. Time and time again I hear every one talking about how disappointed they are in him, or how they felt his apology wasn't heartfelt. Honestly, I truly believe he doesn't owe the public any apology concerning his affairs or how he has "let us down." In reality, he's still great at golf and what he does on his own personal time really doesn't affect the public at all. Sure, it has tarnished his squeaky clean reputation, but for people to think that he was that clean or perfect, and to think that he didn't have any hangups or flaws, is straight ignorant. FACT is MOST people cheat, it's part of human nature. Do not get what I am saying confused or think that I am condoning his actions, because I am not, but who are we to judge or throw stones. I don't think he owes any of us an apology, I believe that the only one he owes any kind of apology to is his wife. I am a firm believer that what happens between a man and a woman should be kept between that man and woman. It is no one else's business. By the media interviewing his mistresses and trying to find out their side of the story, they (the media)are giving these women validity and importance, in which if I was his wife, would be livid about.
Last week, the media interviewed his next door neighbor's daughter whom he knew since she was like 14, and she commented how she felt his apology wasn't heartfelt nor sincere. Really? I thought to myself? I honestly wanted to yell at this dumb 19-21 year old or however old she is now. Honestly, how could she expect a sincere apology??? How could she even dare to go on national television and allow such words to come out of her mouth? I believe people should know their role, and hers was mistress, or a simple fuck. (excuse the language) For her to have the audacity to expect a sincere apology from him is so irritating to me. If anything I believe all those women with whom he slept with should get on national television and sincerely apologize to his wife for willingly and knowingly being dirty gold-digging slors. I do not condone cheating, I firmly believe if you have that itch or feel you do not want to be with someone anymore it is much better to tell the hurtful truth than to deceive and try to save face, because only more damaged is caused by the latter.
Another thing to add, Tiger going to therapy for being a "sex addict" really? That is probably the biggest load of shit I've heard next to these dumb girls trying to get their quick 15 minutes of fame by complaining that his apologies aren't true. What exactly is a sex addict? I would like to know what symptoms or characteristics one must possess to be diagnosed as a sex addict?! Because lets be honest, EVERY ONE LOVES SEX!! I'm sure if everyone could get sex on a daily basis, not many would turn it down. I would absolutely love to go to his therapy sessions and see exactly what they make him do or discuss. So what if he likes to text nasty messages about how he wants to fuck the shit out of one of his mistresses? Or if he said things like "I want to treat you rough, throw you around, spank and slap you," or "Your my fucking whore, hold you down while I choke you," and my favorite "have you ever had a golden shower done to you...just morbid curiosity." LOL I mean who hasn't said freaky things in texts? There is now an acronym for it, sexting! lol I don't think that him doing what every other human does on their phone solidifies him being a "sex addict."
With these athletes, sex is offered daily, if not by the hour. This is not to say that it is ok for them to give in because by golly it's all around them they're bound to crack under the pressure sometime, no. What I'm trying to convey is that it is nothing new that ANOTHER athlete has cheated yet AGAIN on his wife. Should they practice self control and keep the promises they make? ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY! However, I don't think that what they've done should be reported or take so much time during a news broadcast because in this world that we are living in, things are going to shit, and there should be more important news stories covered. In the end, it truly worries me that people are more concerned with the details of texts messages he sent to his mistresses describing how he wanted to fuck them instead of concerning themselves with taxes that are being proposed, bills that are being passed, and wars that are on the brink of breaking out in which DIRECTLY affect them.
At the end of the day, Tiger isn't a "sex addict" he's a cheater or in better terms an adulterer, and he doesn't owe any of us an apology for cheating on his wife, because what we should be criticizing him for is his performance in GOLF, and as far as I'm concerned, he hasn't cheated there. :-)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

differences bet WINNERS (me) & Losers aka my haters :-)

@ least I know I'm not the only 1 anymore... lol

I'm Backkkkk

Hello all! So I've been gone physically & mentally for a while but because I have such awesome friends, I have been inspired to once again follow my passion & write. I believe I can do this all day and be content. So what does this mean? I will be making more of an effort to add new posts on a regular basis. My past posts have been deleted because I realized they were more like pages from a diary, composed of me bitching about whatever nonsense was occuring in my life, and not talking about things that actually create discussions and debates i.e. purpose of a blog. (laughing on the inside) I don't have a "theme" per se for this blog, but if I had to choose something as a label it would be "randomness." I have several topics that I know I would like to dicuss and I did have a list of them in my bberry but it was erased so from here on out everything will be off the cuff. Please feel free to share your thoughts and post comments. I love feedback & I might even be able to revise my posts & challenge my thoughts to open my eyes to newer & higher levels of thinking, eventhough I find with me, I'm already up there. ;-)

Today I'd like to talk about being emotional. As a woman from time to time, especially when aunt flo comes into town for the month, one can get really emotional. I, for one, can't stand it. In fact, I loathe it. I hate that I can be happy in the moment and the very next, crying my eyes out because of something that I typically wouldn't be bothered about. I especially hate that it's always unexpected. I can never tell when it's coming and it usually is set off by the most ridiculous things. Last night I had this experience where I was hanging out having a good ol' time and out of no where I began to well up in the eyes and tears began running down my face, in public! I have no idea WHY. One of the many reasons being a woman is difficult fellas. Just an FYI, when a woman is emotional it would be nice for you to console her, granted I am the worst person to give advice on this because when it comes to consoling ppl I feel I am the worst @ doing it. I never know what exactly to say nor do I know what to do and actually become very nervous and freaked out. So being a woman I think the best advice I can give on this it to just LISTEN. That's right, it's simple enough and when someone is emotional for whatever reason, no matter how ridiculous it may be to you, in all honesty, she probably just needs someone to listen to her bitch and vent, as we all need that sometimes. Being emotional, as much as it is a bitch, is healthy. It's our spirits' way of getting rid of toxicness & whatever we need to get rid of to maintain a healthy balance in our daily lives. The way I see it it's a necessary evil. LOL That's all for now. Tootles Loves.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

It's been a Long time..I shouldn't have left you...

I used to have a blog a long time ago, well not so long ago but I started one my Fresh yr of college. I got into it because I always had journals and would sporadically write in them, plus my roommate said it was easier online because your hands don't hurt so much from typing as they do writing. SO TRUE! I've never really been consistent in my life so as of recent, I'm trying to work on that. I plan to share @ least a few thoughts here with whoever reads this everyday. Encouragement is needed and appreciated lol. Last night I hung out with my ex who was my 1st serious bf ever of about 4 yrs maybe more give or take. It was very pleasant. He's always been my best friend because well, we were best friends first and foremost. With him I feel very comfortable and as if I can tell him anything without the worry that he'll judge me and secretly hate me for being my crazy self. I have soo much love and admiration for him. I feel like no matter what happens he'll always support me and be my # 1 fan and adore him for that. I've been in 2 relationships after him and it's awesome to know that I can speak to him about them and find out what his opinion or advice is. He never picks sides and always gives me great advice even if it's not what I wanna hear lol. We ate some great Thai food @ this place called Lantern on 2nd Ave & 18th St. great place! Great prices, great tasting food and they're lightening fast! We ordered our food and literally 2 seconds later it came out, same with the drink order and even wen we gave them the card for the bill. Miraculous! Then we got our palms read and I got a tarot card reading as well. It was pretty shocking to hear the things this lady told me. I went to one that I had gone to prior with my bff Jill who had told me some good things so I trusted her. Whats crazy is that after we left and we were speaking about all the crazy and true things she was saying, I summed it up by saying "I basically got hustled for $40 for a lady to tell me everything I already know, all she did was just confirm it!" lol However, she did tell me some interesting stuff that I didn't know but I guess only time will tell. Here are a few things she said:
I am going to live well into my 90's and will die of old age, no illnesses or sicknesses. I will get married at age 27 and only once( this gives me less than 4 yrs..ahhhhh). I will be the mother of 2 children ( keeping my fingers crossed for a boy and girl) lol. She said she saw a change of address which I freaking hope so. She said she saw Cali or Florida but I've been thinking Arizona or Hawaii lol She mentioned how she felt a lot of negative energy around me and that I have been back stabbed a lot by my "friends" and she recommended me distancing myself from them which I plan on doing. She claimed that I have Cherokee blood in me and that someone has been trying to reach out to me. She asked if I meditate or pray, which I don't and she claimed that I have a great healing power and don't use it... I plan to figure out what this power is and start using it ( I love to help ppl). She also told me that I get premonitions, which I do! SCARY! She also said that there was someone with the initial J that was bringing negative energy towards me but I couldn't think of anyone. She told me that this oct/nov. I should be getting a promotion and financially I'll b better and within the next year my career will change bc I'm not happy. So true! and that in March/April of next yr I'll b in a better career that I enjoy. She told me that on the outside I'm smiling and on the inside I'm dying because I never speak up and I'm always allowing others to tell me what to do and what makes me happy is being independent, self sufficient, and in control. Very True! She claimed that I need to focus more on me and I need to get in touch with my spiritual side bc I am a very spiritual person but I don't exercise it. As far as 2010 and 2011, she said she sees more positive things coming my way but I need to stop worrying so much and be more open to the opportunities that are being presented to me than shutting the ideas down and being so negative before giving them a chance. So with all that said, I am going to be more selfish. It may sound bad but I really am hurting that I'm always going out of my way for people and never really do what I want bc I'm worried of the judgments to b passed or me being a disappointment to those I care about. So today is the 1st day about me and what I want to do. No holding back. Only the truth and on my way to self improvement. see ya tom! Tootles!